Category: Company News

Dennis Gagnon on Made in America Podcast with Ari Santiago

‘A Hand Dryer for the Twenty-First Century’ Podcast Features Denis Gagnon and the XLERATOR Story

“What do you make, and why do you make it?” asked Made In America host Ari Santiago. It’s his standard way of kicking off every interview for his podcast (available on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts), but on this January 2023 episode, the signature two-part question was—fittingly—subject to customization.  “We manufacture electric hand dryers, and […]

Sustainability comparison of hand dryers vs. paper towels

Dryers Remain the Most Eco-Friendly Way to Dry Hands

In today’s eco-conscious environment, sustainability is an ever-growing concern for the public and businesses alike. For example, in public restrooms, consumers’ preference for hand dryers over paper towels grows significantly when they are reminded of paper towels’ impact on the environment. Not only do a majority (two-thirds) of consumers support the use of commercial hand […]

Electrostatic HEPA filtration in Excel XLERATOR, ThinAir and Sync electric hand dryers.

Leading the Charge: Electrostatic HEPA Filtration

At Excel Dryer, we are constantly innovating to ensure our products are the most cost-effective, hygienic, and sustainable ways to dry hands. That’s why we are pleased to announce our latest enhancement. We have upgraded to electrostatic HEPA filtration, a new optional feature for our XLERATOR® hand dryer models, including our newly expanded, surface-mounted, ADA-compliant […]

XLERATOReco Hand Dryer White

XLERATOReco®, the Planet’s Most Eco-Friendly Hand Dryer!

Sustainable Hand Drying Solution The eco-friendly hand dryer has landed! At Excel Dryer, we are excited that working, reworking, and tweaking our technology we can proudly introduce our Made in the USA XLERATOReco® hand dryer. It’s ready to launch a sustainable restroom solution for your business! Are you ready for this eco-friendly hand dryer? Although […]

Excel dryer hand dryer is the first hand dryer manufacturer to publish independently-verified Health Product Declarations for the Xlerator, Xleratoreco and ThinAir

In Another First, Excel Dryer Publishes Health Product Declarations

As concern for environmental sustainability continues to grow, buyers and specifiers want to select a hand dryer that addresses this issue while delivering on performance. Excel Dryer is the first in the industry to publish Health Product Declarations (HPDs) for three of our hand dryers— the original, patented, high-speed, energy-efficient XLERATOR® Hand Dryer, the XLERATOReco® […]

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Go for the Gold Part Two: Quality, Durability and Reliability

High Quality, Durable, Reliable Hand Dryers Three of A Kind: Quality, Durability and Reliability For over 50 years, Excel Dryer has been manufacturing the finest American made hand dryers featuring the XLERATOR® Hand Dryer. Excel Dryer is a family owned and operated company which revolutionized the industry. When it comes to manufacturing, quality, durability and […]