Category: Sustainability & Cost Savings

SEAL award x Excel Dryer

Excel Dryer Wins Two Sustainable Product Awards at the 2024 SEAL Business Sustainability Awards

Underscoring its commitment to impactful, purpose-driven innovation, Excel Dryer has been honored with two Sustainable Product Awards as part of the 2024 SEAL Business Sustainability Awards. The SEAL (Sustainability, Environmental Achievement, and Leadership) Business Sustainability Awards recognize and celebrate companies that demonstrate a commitment to sustainable business practices, innovative environmental initiatives, and leadership in reducing […]

Beekeeps at Excel Dryers Honey Event

The Buzz: Our Honeybee Haven Is a Hive of Health and Sustainability

When we set out to transform our global headquarters into the green, health-conscious workplace of the future, we researched every possible opportunity to contribute to a positive environmental impact. One of the most buzzworthy innovations we chose to implement was our on-site “honeybee haven.”  Our Honeybee Haven To establish our honeybee haven, we partnered with […]

XLERATORSync installed in the Excel Dryer Offices

Built on Transparency: the Power of Health Product Declarations

Welcome to June, a time to celebrate s’mores (it’s National Camping Month), listen to literature (Audiobook Appreciation Month) and plant some peonies (Perennial Gardening Month), to call out just a few of the month’s designated observances. Of course, there’s one we can’t help but embrace above all others, especially this year. June is Employee Wellness […]

Feel the Power of ART! Teens at Artists for Humanity Create Works of Art from Hand Dryers

You’ve never seen an art installation like this before. Artists For Humanity (AFH), whose 23,500-square-foot Epicenter is Boston’s first LEED Platinum certified building, has combined its commitment to sustainability with its dedication to art and design—and ensured neither stops outside the restroom doors. When Excel Dryer learned about the amazing work AFH was doing, we […]

Map of World where XLERATOR hand dryers are used

In Charge of a Restroom? We Speak Your Language

The washroom. The lavatory. The loo. Or our favorite, the necessary room. Across oceans and borders, countries and cultures, no one is unfamiliar with the necessity of the public restroom—and that fact (among others) is what makes our work universally important. “In terms of where our hand dryers are found, they’re basically on all continents […]

Dennis Gagnon on Made in America Podcast with Ari Santiago

‘A Hand Dryer for the Twenty-First Century’ Podcast Features Denis Gagnon and the XLERATOR Story

“What do you make, and why do you make it?” asked Made In America host Ari Santiago. It’s his standard way of kicking off every interview for his podcast (available on YouTube, Spotify, or Apple Podcasts), but on this January 2023 episode, the signature two-part question was—fittingly—subject to customization.  “We manufacture electric hand dryers, and […]

Hand dryers save restroom maintenance time and money

Hand Dryers Reduce Public Restroom Cleaning and Maintenance Needs

Have you ever considered how hand dryers save time during public restroom cleaning? When it comes to maintaining restrooms, hand dryers are a workhorse for your bathroom cleaning services. Hand dryers can contribute to the efficiency of your bathroom cleaning staff by alleviating much of the time spent keeping the bathrooms clean. Here are a […]

XLERATORsync Hand Dryer integrated into D|13 Sink System

What’s in Store for Your Restrooms? 5 Reasons the D|13 Sink System Works for Retail

There’s a lot we can say about the D|13 Sink System featuring the XLERATORsync® Hand Dryer, and we’ll start with this: there’s no commercial restroom where it doesn’t belong. What makes it work for sprawling universities and legendary football stadiums is what makes it just as ideal for the retail industry, from high-end shopping destinations […]