Top Benefits of Hand Dryers For Restaurants

Efficient Hand Dryers for Restaurants
How many paper towels do you use when you wash your hands?
Busy restaurants can host thousands of patrons daily. Imagine how many paper towels are used throughout a day, week, month, or year…
Buying that many rolls come at a cost.
And that’s the cost of the restaurant owner’s overhead and the restroom’s cleanliness.
Excel Dryer offers the perfect alternative with its leading XLERATOR® Hand Dryers for restaurants. It’s a cheaper, cleaner, energy-efficient option.
Restaurant Hand Dryers Just Makes Cents
Restaurants save money when they make the move to hand dryers.
Paper towel rolls need to be purchased regularly. Electric hand dryers, once installed, offer years of convenient, energy-efficient usage.
And aside from the cost savings in the direct materials, hand dryers for restaurants also reduce labor fees.
As we’ve all experienced as restaurant patrons, used paper towels don’t always end up in the garbage bin. Instead, we see them on the floor, in the sink, or even clogged in the toilets. Yuck!
Facility managers have to pay custodians to keep those restaurant restrooms neat and tidy. Additionally, the cost for a plumber for clogged toilets can be extensive.
XLERATOR hand dryers for restaurants help to eliminate that extra labor cost.
With little maintenance, our automatic hand dryers offer a cleaner restaurant experience for guests. They’re more hygienic and eco-friendly and can be used without the clutter and unsightliness of traditional paper towels.
It’s the perfect option for restaurants looking to upgrade their restrooms.
Keeping Your Restaurant Restrooms More Hygienic With Hand Dryers
Beyond the clutter that paper towels create in a restroom, they also contribute to sanitation issues. Bacteria can be lurking in the shadows.
A study conducted by researchers at Laval University in Quebec City (and published by the American Journal of Infection Control) evaluated bacterial contaminants found on unused, recycled paper towels.
The pilot study found “a large community of cultural bacteria, including toxin producers, can be isolated from unused paper towels.”
These bacteria were also found to be capable of transfer to an individual’s hands after washing, “which may have implications in some industrial and clinical settings as well as in immunocompromised individuals.”
Specifically, the findings included 17 species of bacteria on paper towels, with the most common being Bacillus, which can cause food poisoning.
Excel Dryer is different.
We create clean, modern restrooms while helping reduce bacteria levels in those bathrooms since there’s no need for dirty paper towels.
According to the CDC and WHO, the best defense against the spread of germs and viruses is proper hand hygiene – thoroughly washing and completely drying hands.
Our hand dryers for restaurants allow users to dry their hands with no hands-on manipulation needed.
And compared to conventional hand dryers, XLERATOR uses 80% less energy too!
Restaurant Case Studies
Read about the all-star restaurants that Excel Dryer has supported by upgrading their restrooms to become cleaner and more hygienic.
Bell-in-Hand Tavern
This eatery is located near one of Boston’s busiest tourist attractions: the Freedom Trail. With so many visitors, Bell-in-Hand needed a restroom solution that would save money and increase efficiency. Owner Eddie Kaplan was pleased to install a restaurant hand dryer like XLERATOR.
“Now the bathrooms are a lot cleaner and easier to maintain,” he said. “I think this is the best dryer on the market today.”
Hello Fresh
This hot, new food service company was looking for a modern, sleek solution for its restrooms. The XLERATOReco hand dryer does more than just look good. It provides cost savings.
“There has been zero labor,” said Sam Wharton, Facilities Lead. “There’s no need to refill the paper towel dispensers or tidy up overflowing bins or clogged toilets. They just work.”
Good Life Bar and Restaurant
A complete facility renovation led this Nebraska-based restaurant to install the XLERATOR hand dryer. Aside from cost savings, Peter Fiumara pointed out that these hand dryers for restaurants can lead to other benefits too.
“The part I love most about the XLERATOR is the response it gets,” he said. “Every time someone dries their hands, they laugh, and you see people exiting the bathroom with smiles on their faces, telling their friends about it.”
Pizza Shoppe
Dough means everything at the Pizza Shoppe, a pizzeria in Massachusetts. Not just pizza dough, either. After installing public restroom hand dryers, the facility saved money and reduced labor needs.
“XLERATOR has improved the dining experience for our customers because there is not as much litter and waste in the restrooms from discarded paper towels,” Tony Giuggio, the owner, said. “We rarely have any plumbing issues anymore.”
Max Burger
Max Burger switched to electric hand dryers and saw significant gains. They previously spent $5,850 a year on paper towels, and once they upgraded to XLERATOR® Hand Dryers, they celebrated an annual figure of only $224.64. That’s a 96% cost savings!
“Your bathrooms have to be as clean as your kitchen. That goes without saying,” said Tim Taillefer, general manager. “If you have a guest that goes into a dirty bathroom, they’re going to be wondering about what’s on the plate. The best investment we made when opening the second location of Max Burger was XLERATOR Hand Dryers.”