denis gagnon working on an original XLERATOR model

Emphasizing Innovation on National Entrepreneur Day

An entrepreneur is an innovator; an individual who develops an enterprise with groundbreaking results. As part of National Entrepreneur Day on November 16, we’re taking a look back at the history of Excel Dryer and how our leadership has worked over the past few decades to bring revolutionary ideas to life.  A Timeline of Ingenuity […]

Custom, American Flag themed XLERATOR Hand Dryer

Honoring Our Heroes on Veterans Day

Veterans Day is a time for us to honor the men and women who have courageously served in the United States Armed Forces to ensure that each and every one of us can continue to live free. Thankful for this service, Excel Dryer gives back by supporting the veteran-based nonprofit, Soldier On, and remains committed […]

excel dryers warehouse staff

The Importance of National STEM Day

“Children are the world’s most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.” This quote from President John F. Kennedy perfectly captures why National STEM Day is such an exciting time for us at Excel Dryer. Each year on November 8th, this observance emphasizes the values offered by science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), […]

Proper Washing and Drying Techniques for Global Handwashing Day

In honor of Global Handwashing Day on October 15, we’re spreading the word about proper washing and drying techniques. This day provides the opportunity to work together through coordinated action to advance universal hand hygiene. This is crucial, now more than ever, as new information comes out surrounding the rise of the Delta variant of […]

photo of XLERATOR® Hand Dryer for blog about National Custodial Workers Recognition Day

Celebrate National Custodial Workers Recognition Day

A behind the scenes and often thankless job, custodians are the backbones of our workplaces, schools, hospitals, entertainment venues, and more. October 2nd is National Custodial Workers Recognition Day, which encourages appreciation for the individuals who keep the spaces we work, learn, heal, and play in clean and sanitary. While the COVID-19 virus raged around […]

Celebrating National Manufacturing Day

Celebrating National Manufacturing Day All across the United States, National Manufacturing Day is celebrated on the first Friday in October with the goal of inspiring our next generation of manufacturers. As a company that prides itself on a rich history of American manufacturing, we know the importance of investing in domestic workers and creating quality, […]

Ready for National Clean Up Day?

Ready for National Clean Up Day? We’ve Got Your Restroom Solution The National Clean Up Day website opens with a simple question: “What if everyone picked up just one piece of litter?” They post that people want to do the right thing but may need encouragement or an incentive. Sometimes seeing one person picking up […]

Automatic Hand Dryers for School Bathrooms

Learn the ABC’s of Automatic Hand Dryers for Schools Schools must start thinking about how best to update their facilities over the summer before the next school year. Hygiene and decarbonization are important for educational facilities to keep in mind when choosing the best products for their buildings. Excel Dryer can help keep students’ hands […]