Power in Your Hands: Hand Dryer Maintenance

If throwing in the towel and switching to touchless hand dryers seems like a daunting prospect, you may be thinking about maintenance—after all, the XLERATOR® Hand Dryer is one serious machine. Yet, rest assured: for all its powerful, high-speed performance, its care is but a breeze.

Here, we offer tips for our productsseamless implementation and optimal operation.

sink systemProper Installation Is Pro Installation

First things first: To help ensure correct wiring, precise placement and general safety, we highly recommend having a licensed electrician install your hand dryers. A professional will be familiar with industry specifications and legal guidelines, including ADA rules around proper height above the finished floor (AFF) and distance from other components in the restroom. Our installation video is a helpful resource for contractors and facilities managers.

Replacing a paper towel dispenser or dated dryer model with an XLERATOR®, XLERATOReco® or ThinAir® Hand Dryer? Our XChanger Kits allow for a complete retrofit of an existing paper towel and waste receptacle wall unit, and our Recess Kits set your hand dryer slightly into the restroom wall for an ADA-compliant bathroom. When customizing your hand dryer, you can even opt for a painted kit to match it.

Also, keep in mind that hand hygiene market offerings are constantly evolving into innovative solutions—including ones that render wall-mounting concerns non-applicable. Integrated sink systems from DI13 Group feature our sink-mounted XLERATORsync® Hand Dryer, situated alongside a high-efficiency soap dispenser and faucet for a one-stop wash-and-dry experience.

Routine Cleaning and Inspection

We believe hand dryer maintenance should be low maintenance, and our products are built to reflect that.

In general, cleaning is the only regular maintenance your Excel dryer needs. On a daily basis, or as cleaning staff performs routine maintenance, gently wipe cover inlet holes on the bottom of the dryer using a damp, soft cloth. This will prevent dust and lint from being drawn in and accumulating inside the unit. If there are fingerprints on the cover of the dryer, simply wipe and dry. Do not use any harsh cleaning chemicals and avoid using any pressure on the sensor area.

Have qualified personnel inspect and clean the inside of your dryer, including the metal mesh pre-filter, on a quarterly basis. If there is excessive lint, dust or other particles in the air, the unit may require more frequent cleaning. Our downloadable instructions provide detailed guidance for safely cleaning the inside of the dryer.

Before internal inspection and cleaning, power down the dryer by locating its assigned circuit breaker on your electrical panel and turning it off. To remove the dryer cover, youll need a special Hex Key with a hole in the center of the arm, which you can obtain through your distributor or manufacturer. Please watch our videos showing how to remove the cover from XLERATOR/XLERATOReco and from ThinAir to assist when doing this.

Troubleshooting Your Hand Dryer

We hope our customers never encounter issues with our products. When they do, there is often a simple explanation and resolution that doesnt require outside service (XLERATOR has a less than 1% failure rate).

Normal dryer operation is indicated by the red LED light being on when not drying and off when motion is detected under the sensor. The light will flash if operation is disrupted, with the flashing pattern indicating a specific trouble code.” Our Excel Dryer Trouble Codes Chart provides easy-to-follow assistance for many common issues. If troubleshooting does not resolve the problem, please contact us with your dryers serial number, located both on the outside cover (lower left side) and on the inside housing.

Both XLERATOR and XLERATOReco have industry-leading 7-year limited warranties, and ThinAir has a 5-year limited warranty. Many Excel hand dryers long outlive their warranties, lasting up to 10 years or longer, depending on frequency of use. Purchasing multiple units for each restroom can help extend dryer life by balancing the use of each hand dryer.

Lean on Us

From selection of your optimal hand drying solution through its long, reliable life, our team is here for you. Contact us anytime and let us know how we can help. To learn more about our dryer maintenance and installation guides, visit our page today!