Tagged: sustainability

Warehouse- bathroom image

The Role of Hand Dryers in the Decarbonization of Buildings: An Insight from Excel Dryer

In the quest for a sustainable future, the decarbonization of buildings plays a critical role. Excel Dryer is at the forefront of helping companies achieve significant decarbonization goals through innovative hand dryer solutions. Our commitment to sustainability supports the importance of decarbonization through the advantages of hand dryers over paper towels. The Importance of Decarbonization […]

Beekeeps at Excel Dryers Honey Event

The Buzz: Our Honeybee Haven Is a Hive of Health and Sustainability

When we set out to transform our global headquarters into the green, health-conscious workplace of the future, we researched every possible opportunity to contribute to a positive environmental impact. One of the most buzzworthy innovations we chose to implement was our on-site “honeybee haven.”  Our Honeybee Haven To establish our honeybee haven, we partnered with […]

Landfill contents creating a crisis that demands immediate attention

The Role of Paper Towels in the Growing Landfill Crisis

Here’s a startling statistic: humans discard enough solid waste to fill more than 800,000 Olympic-sized swimming pools every year. To make matters worse, global waste is expected to grow to 3.75 billion tons by 2050, according to the World Bank. This expanding landfill crisis demands immediate attention; businesses must adopt eco-friendly practices. In this blog, […]

Promoting Sustainability with Our New Honeybee Haven

At Excel Dryer, we pride ourselves not only on our high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryers, but also on the sustainability initiatives we’ve implemented in our own office. Over the past two years, we’ve transformed our space into a state-of-the-art, green and health-conscious workplace of the future—complete with an on-site “honeybee haven.” In this blog, we explore […]

The robotic arms on the assembly line.

The Importance of Buying American-Made Products

In an era of globalization, as products are manufactured and shipped across borders, American consumers must strive to support domestic companies. As a leading manufacturer of high-speed, energy-efficient hand dryers, we are proud to exemplify the values of American-made products. In this blog, we explore why purchasing products from Excel Dryer and other American manufacturers […]

Rows of solar panels in a green field

Sustainability Initiatives During Energy Awareness Month

October is Energy Awareness Month, a time for the federal government to lead by example on the issue of environmental sustainability. One way in which they accomplish this goal is through the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP), which provides leadership and guidance on energy management and building optimization, energy resilience, energy security and more. In […]

The Before and After of Restroom Cleanliness by installing XLERATOR

Top of the Class: Back-to-School Hygiene and Sustainability

As summer ends, millions of students across the United States are filing back into their classrooms to resume their educations. And with hallways bustling once again with curious minds during this ongoing pandemic, school restrooms are once again a high-traffic area prone to germs. That’s why it’s critical for key decision-makers to continue to foster […]


Upgrade Your Restroom with Hygienic Hand Dryers

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has placed a great emphasis on the importance of sanitation and hand hygiene. And for good reason—properly washing and drying your hands helps to reduce the likelihood of passing on these dangerous germs to others or even getting sick yourself. Some commercial restrooms, however, might still rely […]